
Accelerators and Beam Physics (ABP)

The Accelerators and Beam Physics Group within the Beams Department (BE-ABP) provides the expertise for studying and understanding the beam physics requirements throughout the entire CERN Accelerator Complex and for future upgrades or new projects. This is achieved through theoretical, numerical and experimental studies covering linear and nonlinear optics and beam dynamics, halo generation and collimation, coherent and incoherent collective effects. See group website...
The Accelerators and Beam Physics Group within the Beams Department (BE-ABP) provides the expertise for studying and understanding the beam physics requirements throughout the entire CERN Accelerator Complex and for future upgrades or new projects. This is achieved through theoretical, numerical and experimental studies covering linear and nonlinear optics and beam dynamics, halo generation and collimation, coherent and incoherent collective effects. See group website...

Administration, Safety and Resources (ASR)

The Administration, Safety and Resources Group within the Beams Department (BE-ASR) is a service group to the Beams Department. The group is mandated to provide overall assistance to the department head, to each individual group and to each member of personnel in the department. See group website...
The Administration, Safety and Resources Group within the Beams Department (BE-ASR) is a service group to the Beams Department. The group is mandated to provide overall assistance to the department head, to each individual group and to each member of personnel in the department. See group website...

BE Head Office (HDO)

The BE Head Office comprises, the Department Head, Deputy Department Head and the Central Administration.
The BE Head Office comprises, the Department Head, Deputy Department Head and the Central Administration.

Controls Electronics and Mechatronics (CEM)

The Controls Electronics and Mechatronics Group within the Beams Department (BE-CEM) develops and maintains a centralized competence in controls hardware and low-level software; electronics design, production and radiation tolerance; mechatronics and robotics; test and measurement systems. See group website...
The Controls Electronics and Mechatronics Group within the Beams Department (BE-CEM) develops and maintains a centralized competence in controls hardware and low-level software; electronics design, production and radiation tolerance; mechatronics and robotics; test and measurement systems. See group website...

Controls Software and Services (CSS)

The Controls Software and Services Group within the Beams Department (BE-CSS) provides software solutions for the control and monitoring of all of the CERN particle accelerators, their transfer lines, associated experimental areas and various supporting technical infrastructure services. See group website...
The Controls Software and Services Group within the Beams Department (BE-CSS) provides software solutions for the control and monitoring of all of the CERN particle accelerators, their transfer lines, associated experimental areas and various supporting technical infrastructure services. See group website...

Experimental Areas (EA)

The Experimental Areas Group within the Beams Department (BE-EA) looks after the secondary beamlines, infrastructure, and management of the fixed target CERN experimental areas, provides support to LHC experiments and machine detector interfaces (MDI), offering associated engineering support and specific technical services necessary for all experiments, related projects, and users. See group website...
The Experimental Areas Group within the Beams Department (BE-EA) looks after the secondary beamlines, infrastructure, and management of the fixed target CERN experimental areas, provides support to LHC experiments and machine detector interfaces (MDI), offering associated engineering support and specific technical services necessary for all experiments, related projects, and users. See group website...

Geodetic Metrology (GM)

The Geodetic Metrology Group within the Beams Department (BE-GM) provides metrology and alignment for components installed in the accelerators, their beam transfer lines and the physics experiments throughout the CERN complex. It also handles the geodetic aspects of the CERN reference systems. See group website...
The Geodetic Metrology Group within the Beams Department (BE-GM) provides metrology and alignment for components installed in the accelerators, their beam transfer lines and the physics experiments throughout the CERN complex. It also handles the geodetic aspects of the CERN reference systems. See group website...

Industrial Control Systems (ICS)

The Industrial Control Systems Group within the Beams Department (BE-ICS) has the mission to provide technical solutions, engineering, development and support in the domain of industrial controls for the entire CERN complex.See group website...
The Industrial Control Systems Group within the Beams Department (BE-ICS) has the mission to provide technical solutions, engineering, development and support in the domain of industrial controls for the entire CERN complex.See group website...

Operations (OP)

The Operations Group within the Beams Department (BE-OP) assures the smooth production and delivery of all particle beams at CERN through a team of professional operations staff on shift. During periods of machine operation the group manages the safety and access in the accelerator installations, as well as the surveillance and co-ordination of interventions on the CERN-wide technical infrastructure. See group website...
The Operations Group within the Beams Department (BE-OP) assures the smooth production and delivery of all particle beams at CERN through a team of professional operations staff on shift. During periods of machine operation the group manages the safety and access in the accelerator installations, as well as the surveillance and co-ordination of interventions on the CERN-wide technical infrastructure. See group website...